Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Lenovo Challenge Essay Sample free essay sample
What challenges did Lenovo face after the acquisition? The rise of Lenovo is based on two factors-internal and external. Internally. China opens her market and allows personal concern turning. Externally. U. S. and Japan leads the planetary selling and fabrication scheme. China has luck to plays an of import function in this industrial windstorm. Nowadays. Chinese company could raise enormous capital from its domestic market and put in oversea concern. such as Geely Automobile acquired Volvo. Lenovo is the innovator of such investing. And Lenovo show a good illustration that Chinese company and entrepreneurs could play globally. and play reasonably. It is merely 30 old ages that China opens her market. Although Chinese people and concern adult male have experience of planetary trading historically. the universe seems unusual after the state enduring 20 old ages war clip and 20 old ages political motion. The entrepreneurs need to larn the regulations of modern concern. And they need to larn how to run concern globally and survive from the rough competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Lenovo Challenge Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In amount. the capableness of the Management of Legend decides if Lenovo could last after the acquisition. It seems they did a good occupation during the last 9 old ages since 2004. at least. better than Dell. But to me. it is non good plenty. Challenge 1: Whether Lenovo could last from the cultural and operational merge? Answer: Yes. Due to the less channel difference ( Lenovo focuses on desktop. IBM focuses on Laptop ) . there is so less struggle in operation. Like the article cites: It is a lucifer made in Eden. And fortunately and respectfully. Lenovo adopt IBM direction without give major replacing for planetary concern. In other universes. Lenovo embrace American civilization and regulations for the company. It is wise but riskily. There are failure illustrations. such as TCL ( a Chinese transnational electronics company. In 2010 it was the worldââ¬â¢s sixth-largest telecasting manufacturer ) went on escapades in Europe. but non rather success. The chief ground is the direction in Europe doesnââ¬â¢t work good with China head one-fourth. Lenovo moves its head one-fourth to New York State. It is a cardinal point of success. Basically. I guess Lenovo learnt from TCL and donââ¬â¢t want to lose the control of oversea direction. ( 12 hours of clip difference between US and China ) . It will supply Management of caput one-fourth a quicker and accurate judgement based on the selling motions ( U. S. is the chief market and way of laptop gross revenues ) . And how Lenovo survived from the civilization unifying? Lenovo gives its reply: ââ¬Å"trust the other personâ⬠. Possibly due to the long term of IBMââ¬â¢s investing of industry in China. or history of Lenovoââ¬â¢s distributing of imported computing machines. the two combined Management didnââ¬â¢t have excessively much problem in working together. And they have one united end: to go better. Challenge 2: Whether the invention would decelerate down. quality would endure? Answer: No. The invention remains an acceptable velocity to run into industrial criterion. The quality doesnââ¬â¢t go down. but goes up. The increasing portion of Lenovo shows that the quality is accepted by consumer in marketing wise. Right now. Lenovo push its new merchandise ââ¬Å"Yogaâ⬠. which is a taking construct in laptop. It has touch screen. high criterion constellation. Furthermore. Yoga can be folded 180 grade to organize a tablet. Lenovo continues IBMââ¬â¢s taking invention in laptops. I still retrieve the commercial that a truck runs over a Think tablet. and the laptop is still working! IBM uses to be the manner of laptop. It uses to be the most sure laptop chasing by concern individual. However. Lenovo meets Steve Jobs. And the ulterior one alterations everything. Right now. iMac dominates the part. Lenovo needs a interior decorator. or a leader to construct a light weight. lasting usage laptop to vie with iMac. It takes clip. But Lenovo has to make that. O therwise. it will stop up every bit Dell. Challenge 3: Whether the local trade name Legend could win credence of planetary market? Answer: Yes. The article spends a batch of paragraph on the trade name edifices. the schemes and hazards of Lenovo. It seems Lenovo did a good occupation. The replies are likewise to the first challenges. However. credence is non equal to urge. As I noticed in US market. HP. Dell. and Apple are still major participants. Maybe it is difficult for a foreign company to construct trade name value inside US comparing with domestic company. However. two things need to be done to do the alteration ââ¬â a higher public presentation of laptop than industry degree ; a competitory monetary value. Possibly it is clip to near the 4th strategy- Lexus/ Toyota scheme. If it is so difficult to draw up the whole trade name value. it is easier to construct a luxury trade name. A trade name represents luxury manner and concentrate on concern section. The trade name will be brought out to vie with iMac straight. I am non certain Think tablet is a good campaigner. But Yoga is a good measure frontward.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Weight Definition in Science
Weight Definition in Science The everyday definition of weight is a measure of how heavy a person or object it. However, the definition is slightly different in science. Weight is the name of the force exerted on an object due to the acceleration of gravity. On Earth, weight is equal to the mass times the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/sec2 on Earth). Key Takeaways: Weight Definition in Science Weight is the product of mass multiplied by acceleration acting on that mass. Usually, its an objects mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity.On Earth, mass and weight have the same value and units. However, weight has a magnitude, like mass, plus a direction. In other words, mass is a scalar quantity while weight is a vector quantity.In the United States, the pound is a unit of mass or weight. The SI unit of weight is the newton. The cgs unit of weight is the dyne. Units of Weight In the United States, the units of mass and weight are the same. The most common unit of weight is the pound (lb). However, sometimes the poundal and slug are used. The poundal is the force needed to accelerate a 1-lb mass at 1 ft/s2. The slug is the mass that is accelerated at 1 ft/s2 when 1 pound-force is exerted upon it. One slug is the equivalent of 32.2 pounds. In the metric system, units of mass and weight are separate. The SI unit of weight is the newton (N), which is 1 kilogram meter per second squared. It is the force required to accelerate a 1-kg mass 1 m/s2. The cgs unit of weight is the dyne. The dyne is the force needed to accelerate a mass of one gram at the rate of one centimeter per second squared. One dyne equals exactly 10-5 newtons. Mass vs Weight Mass and weight are easily confused, especially when pounds are used! Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter contained in an object. It is property of matter and does not change. Weight is a measure of the effect of gravity (or other acceleration) upon an object. The same mass can have a different weight depending on the acceleration. For example, a person has the same mass on the Earth and on Mars, yet weighs only about one-third as much on Mars. Measuring Mass and Weight Mass is measured on a balance by comparing a known amount of matter (a standard) against an unknown amount of matter. Two methods may be used to measure weight. A balance may be used to measure weight (in units of mass), however, balances wont work in the absence of gravity. Note a calibrated balance on the Moon would give the same reading as one on Earth. The other method of measuring weight is the spring scale or pneumatic scale. This device accounts for the local force of gravity upon an object, so a spring scale can give a slightly different weight for an object at two locations. For this reason, scales are calibrated to give the weight an object would have at nominal standard gravity. Commercial spring scales must be re-calibrated when they are moved from one location to another. Weight Variance Across the Earth Two factors change weight at different locations on the Earth. Increasing altitude decreases weight because it increases the distance between a body and the mass of the Earth. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds at sea level would weigh about 149.92 pounds at 10,000 feet above sea level. Weight also varies with latitude. A body weighs slightly more at the poles than at the equator. In part, this is due to the bulge of the Earth near the equator, which puts objects at the surface slightly further from the center of mass. The difference in centrifugal force at the poles compared to the equator also plays a role, where centrifugal force acts perpendicular to the axis of the Earths rotation. Sources Bauer, Wolfgang and Westfall, Gary D. (2011).à University Physics with Modern Physics. New York: McGraw Hill. p.à 103.à ISBNà 978-0-07-336794-1.Galili, Igal (2001). Weight versus gravitational force: historical and educational perspectives. International Journal of Science Education. 23: 1073. doi:10.1080/09500690110038585Gat, Uri (1988). The weight of mass and the mess of weight. In Richard Alan Strehlow (ed.). Standardization of Technical Terminology: Principles and Practice ââ¬â second volume. ASTM International. pp. 45ââ¬â48. ISBN 978-0-8031-1183-7.Knight, Randall D. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers: a Strategic Approach. San Francisco, USA: Addisonââ¬âWesley. pp. 100ââ¬â101. ISBN 0-8053-8960-1.Morrison, Richard C. (1999). Weight and gravity - the need for consistent definitions. The Physics Teacher. 37: 51. doi:10.1119/1.880152
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A paper about the concept of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A paper about the concept of God - Essay Example In this essay, the ideas of several thinkers will be examined, incorporating the 'positive' and 'negative' dimensions attributed to a divine being. But everything hinges on personal belief in a deity and why people believe, when proof of a divine existence seems to defy logic. "Theism is the view that god is unlimited with regard to knowledge (omniscience), power (omnipotence), extension (omnipresence) and moral perfection; and is the creator and sustainer of the universe." (Morley, 2006) In the historical context, beginning with Plato, we see that within the Platonic concept, he considered god to be all these things, a perfect being, good, rational and unchangeable (immutable). The last quality described as negative, but if god is omnipotent, then he can stay unchanged no matter what. Aristotle agreed with the perfection and immutable concepts, for if god is perfect, he stays that way, so is unchanging, which also makes him eternal. He considered that god gave order to the world; he does not care what goes on there, being an unmoved mover. Yet in his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle speaks with great authority, and so much rationality, when he says that the desired state of happiness is only achieved by virtue, being good, thinking good and doing good, for its own sake. He says of happiness: "..or comes in virtue of some divine providence.Now if there is any gift of the gods to men, it is reasonable that happiness should be god-given" (Aristotle, 350BC, Bk. 1. Chapter 9) This appears to contradict his idea that god cares nothing, if he is giving his creations gifts. Aristotle also seems to suggest god's sovereign, supreme power that impacts on the idea of free will. Problems arise when we see the world changing and events occurring that appear to deny the sovereignty. It calls into question the goodness and perfection of a god who allows evil to co-exist within his creation. The idea of him having charge over our fate raises another question as to why we have free will to do evil - go against god's will. In doing right, we move towards god, but wrong take us away from him, and we are responsible for that, not god. But repentance and salvation can bring us closer once more, ideas that are the bedrock of the Biblical, Hebrew and Christian concepts of god. This is a comfort to those who believe. St. Anselm, in the 11th century, is thought by some to have proved god's existence by calling on his perfection, because if he did not exist, he would not be perfect, but because he is perfect, he exists. To deny that is to be illogical. The problem here is how we can know of his perfection, for if we are made in god's image, we are not perfect at all! Augustine (354-430) agreed with many of Aristotle's views but described god as 'simple' meaning he is whole and perfect, indivisible into parts. In revealing himself as Christ, to show his love and connect
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Chipotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Chipotle - Essay Example In addition, Moes South West Grill provides their customers with options to add different types of cheeses or olives to their menu.1 In addition, Moes Southwest Grill usually offers its clients the option of salsa and free chips whereas at Chipotle, customers are not provided which such options. Moes Southwest Grill usually asks its customers after making their orders if they want salsa and chips too to be added. Another advantage of Moes Southwest Grill is that they have more items offered in their menu when compared to Chipotle. One can get nachos at Moes Southwest Grill and not in Chipotle menu. Another thing Moes Southwest Grill offers its customers is the option of free chips and salsa for every customer. Here Chipotle does not do that, they make you pay for chips and salsa. After you create your menus item, they ask you if you wants chips and salsa with your order. Also Moes Southwest Grill has more items to select from like nachos. Currently you cannot get nachos from Chipotle because it is not on their menu. In conclusion, Chipotle usually places emphasis on providing food with integrity. For them to maintain their mission, means they have to secure their suppliers. This will have to be done by increasing their demands for organic ingredients. In addition, they have an option of working directly with the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Context and Discourse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Context and Discourse - Essay Example Such technicians proceed to use this information to create context-aware software. Close attention to these several definitions and explanations might, however, reveal a common ground upon which a universal concept of context might be built. Though context is often used and understood, it is such a broad and encompassing term that it can hardly be properly defined in a sentence or two. Though it deals with the surrounding condition of a situation, those conditions can take the form of several things, and perhaps that is why context shows up in so many disciplines. And, as it regards discourse analysis, it will be seen that reliance upon context is indispensable in gaining a complete and comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of any text, passage, speech, or other of the forms in which discourse presents itself. In education, especially reading, context is tangled up with prior knowledge and schema, and the study of it is in an effort to determine its use in the decoding of passages. Here, context is placed in relation to the written word, and it is defined by one as "the belief-revised integration of the reader's prior knowledge with the reader's internalized (co-)text" (Rappaport, 4). Here co-text refers to written text that surrounds the problematic word or phrase whose meaning the reader currently struggles to decode. In this discipline, experts often refer to "context clues," which direct the student to the passage being read, delineating it as the context. One researcher cites six kinds of context clues in what is known as contextual analysis. Students are expected to gain insight into the text using hints provided by the context, and those hints come in the form of definition clues, synonym or comparison clues, contrast clues, example clues, and explanation clues. In addition to thes e clues from the text, context (as mentioned before) is extended to include inferential clues, which come not from the text being read but from the prior experiences of the reader (Doyle). So that context according to this view has both an internal and external aspect. However, once the text becomes internalized, context may be considered to be in the domain of the mind. In engineering, some consider context a "filter" that determines the meaning to be applied to certain terms or actions in a given situation. In fact, according to Yaser Bishr who seeks to prepare a foundation on which to base a contextual theory of geospatial applications, any definition of context must include such measures as follow. Contexts should define what is common to any input in a given situation. It should be restrictive, in that it allows only certain meanings of any vocabulary involved to actually be admitted as meaning to be derived from the situation. The truth of any statement of fact should depend upon "a collection of assumption which implicitly define context" (Bishr, 2), and all "facts" are understood to be factual only when a context is defined. Therefore, though the statement "all birds can fly" is untrue in Antarctica, it is true in the context of Brazil, where no penguins exist. This view of context also asserts that thought and interpretation across contexts is allowable; however, "when several contexts occur in a discussion, there
Friday, November 15, 2019
Two Wheelers In India Marketing Essay
Two Wheelers In India Marketing Essay Riding a two wheeler gives once a felling of freedom and enjoying the natural beauty. In India two wheelers are generally preferred because of their compact sizes affordable process, low maintenance and easy loan repayment. If we see Indian streets they are generally filled up of two wheelers. Theà trendà ofà owningà two wheelersà in India isà dueà toà aà varietyà ofà facts.à Oneà ofà theà chiefà à isà poorà publicà transportà inà manyà partsà ofà India. à Additionally,à two-wheelersà offerà aà greatà dealà ofà convenienceà and mobility forà the Indianà family. India is the third largest producer of Two wheelers in the world it come just next to Japan and China. In last few years the the Indian two-wheelers industry has got spectacular growth. Two wheeler industry in India has a small beginning in early 50s. The Automobile Products of India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the country which was later taken over by Bajaj Auto. Although various government and private enterprises entered the fray for scooters, the only new player that has lasted till today is LML. The motorcycle segment of India was initially dominated by Escorts175cc bike and Enfield 350cc bikes. In mid 80s the two-wheeler market was opened to foreign competition. And the then market leaders Escorts and Enfield were caught unaware by the onslaught of the 100ccà bikes of the four Indo-Japanese joint ventures. With the availability of fuel efficient low powerà à bikes, demand for this swelled which results in Hero Honda then the only producer of four stroke bikes(100cc category), gaining a top slot. The first Japanese motorcycles were introduced in the early eighties. TVS Suzuki and Hero Honda brought in the first two-stroke and four-stroke engine motorcycles respectively. à TVS Suzuki and Hero Honda initially started with assembly of CKD kits which later on progressed to indigenous manufacturing. In the 90s the Japanese motorcycles has brought in major growth for motorcycle segment , which grew at aà rate of nearly 25% CAGR in the lastà five years. The motorcycle industry had a smooth ride in the 50s, 60s and 70s when the Government has prohibited new entries and controlled capacity expansion strictly. In 80s the industry saw a sudden growth and a peak volume of 1.9 mn vehicles. The entire automobile industry saw a drastic fall in demand in the year 1990 which resulted in decline of demand by 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, resulting in a production loss of 0.4mn vehicles. Hero Honda showed a marginal decline in 1992 and all the major producers suffered from recession in Fy 1993-1994. The reasons for recession in the sector were high input costs , incessant rise in fuel prices and reduced purchasing power of the people due to significant rise in gen eral price level and credit crunch was there consumer financing. Later with development of economic situation, sales ofà two wheeler increased increased.à In the last eight to ten years, the two-wheelerà market has witnessed a shift from scooters to motorcycles. Particularly in the rural areas, consumers have started preferring sturdier bikes to withstand the bad road conditions. Key Factors affecting sales of Motorcycles: The various factors which effect the sales of motorcycles are Petrol Prices- As they determine the running cost of the vehicles so change in the pricing policy of Government of India will have an impact on two wheelers sales. Improvement in disposable income certainly play a multiplier effect on the demands of consumer durables. Ease on the availability of credits will leads to increase in demand of two wheelers. Key players inà the Two-wheeler Industry: There are many two-wheeler manufacturers in India the major players are as follows: Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML) -Bajaj Auto Ltd (Bajaj Auto) and -TVS Motorà Company Ltd (TVS) Kinetic Motor Company Ltd(KMCL),à à Yamahaà Motorsà Indiaà Ltd(Yamaha), Royal Enfield Ltd (REL) and Honda Motorcycle Scooter India (P) Ltdà (HMSI). Various bikes models: 100 cc bikes segment: The bikes in this segment are generally simple and are not much expensive and their main target customers are middle income people. These bikes consume less fuel as they have 100 cc motor and they are suitable for travelling longer distance. The bikes in 100 cc are most rightly can be said as value for money. The various competing bikes in this segment are : -Bajaj Discoverà 100, Bajaj Platina 100, Hero Honda Passion Plus, -Hero Honda Splendor Plus and Yamaha Crux TVS STAR City We are going to compare the following mentioned models: Bajaj Discoverà 100 Hero Honda Splendor Plus Yamaha Crux TVS Centra Bajaj Discover 100 Brand Name Bajaj Discover Parent Company Bajaj Auto Category Motorcycle Sector Two-wheeler Automobile Tagline/ Slogan Discover India with the power of 1 litre USP It give good mileage Brand Ambassador Evolution: Bajaj Discover is a motorcycle brand owned by Bajaj Auto in India. It was launched in 2004 and since then it was a huge success in two wheeler segment and can be rightly called commuters bike. It has a 2nd generation DTS- Si four stroke engine. Discover provides high power and high torque which is able to produce up to 7500 rpm and torque of 5000 rpm. Bajaj has launched 100cc Discover DTS-Si which has 2nd generation engine and provide an average of 75km/hr on road speed in city and 83km/hr on highways and being termed as long distance Bike. It has 5 transmission gears to provide constant transmission. The Bajaj Discover DTS-Si will be available in four colour i.e red, blue, deep black and green. Bajaj Discover DTS-Si 100cc has unmatched durability as all the other Discoverà bikes in india. Some of the premium design features of this motorcycle are LED tail-lamp, alloy wheels and an all black presentation with attractive chrome styling elements. This newly launched Bajaj two-wheeler is packed to deliver unmatched performance through polycot piston with the sturdy Discover format and yielding complete comfort varied features like ergonomically designed seats.à Features: Electric start system Longest wheelbase in the entire segment Full DC electrical system Auto choke that helps in easy starting Nitrox suspension that makes riding comfortable even on rough roads Maintenance free battery along with charge indicator 5 speed gear box Target Segment: Bajaj Discover is mainly targeting the lower middle class people who look value for money and need a bike that give good mileage and look stylish. Target Group: Youth of middle class in age group of 25-35 years. Positioning: A bike that can be used for exploring new avenues. SWOT ANALYSIS OF BAJAJ DISCOVER SWOT Strength 1.Strong brand name and huge marketà 2.Excellent distribution through franchiseesà 3.Most reliable for Indian roads as it requires low maintenance 4.Good mileage Weakness 1. Focuses on just mileage Opportunity 1. Expansion in rural and tier-2 citiesà 2. Innovations in technology Threats 1. New entrantsà 2. Competitorsà 3. Low cost bikes Hero Honda Splendor Brand Name Hero Honda(Hero MotoCorp) Splendor Parent Company Hero Honda Category Motorcycles Sector Two-wheeler Tagline/ Slogan Yaari ki Gaadi; Desh ki dhadkan USP A bike with low maintenance and good mileage Brand Ambassador The largest bike manufacture of country Hero Honda has got super rich and best selling bike in its stable that isà Hero Honda Splendor, the total variant of the brand are 4. Hero Honda has recently upgraded itsà Hero Honda Splendorà Super model and the new bike is priced at Rs. 45950 in Delhi. Hero Honda launched its flagship modelà Hero Honda Splendorà in the year 1994 and it bring name and fame to the company instantly since the launch. Only after a gap of 6 years,à Hero Honda Splendorà was declared World No. 1 largest selling single two-wheeler model. The basic model of theà Hero Honda Splendorà was having only standard equipment only but technology was mind-blowing as a result the bike made records after records of selling. In the year 2003, Hero Honda upgraded the basic model ofà Hero Honda Splendorà and launched a revamped version named as Hero Honda Splendor Plus which also saw a big success. The company announced to sell the basic and improved model side by side but discontinued the former silently after sometime. Now onlyà Hero Honda Splendorà Plus version is available in market. Theà Hero Honda Splendorà Plus is powered by an air cooled, 4 stroke, single cylinder OHC engine with 97.2 cc of displacement. The engine produces peak power of 7.4 bhp at 8,000 rpm and churn peak torque of 7.95 Nm at 5,000 rpm. It uses world class suspension and brakes which can be called as the USP of Hero Honda bikes in India. The new avatar ofà Hero Honda Splendorà sports alloy wheels, pass light, helmet lock and handy indicators switch. The company further revamped theà Hero Honda Splendorà brand and launched Hero Honda Splendor Super in the year 2005. It is a bigger machine than its predecessors. The bike is loaded with 125cc, 4-Stroke OHC, Single Cylinder, Air Cooled engine which churns maximum power of 9 bhp at 7,000 rpm while belts out 10.35 Nm of peak torque at 4,000 rpm. Other modifications on this bike include, self start, bigger engine, wider wheelbase and bike weight. The latest offering in the Hero Honda stable is Hero Honda Splendor NXG which was launched in the year 2007. Basically the bike was designed and launched targeting youth thereby more graphics, self start, alloy wheels and sporty look. For the first time in Hero Honda history, it added self start option, after a year of the launch, to an entry-level bike along with black alloy wheels. In addition to this, ne generation Pro Series Engines is incorporated in theà Hero Honda Splendorà NXG. Apart from these, the bike is equipped with new generation digital CDI unit, new design carburetor with TCIS, Halogen bulb Trapeziodal, MFR in headlamp and new style graphics. The bike is again an entry-level bike which comes loaded with 4 stoke, single cylinder OHC, air cooled 97.2cc engine. The engine develops a peak power of 7.8 bhp at 7,500 rpm and generates 8.04 Nm of peak torque at 4,500 rpm. Hero Honda Splendor Mileage, Average and Fuel Economy Theà Hero Honda Splendorà series bikes are known for their superb mileage and low maintenance. Theà Hero Honda Splendorà Plus gives around 65-70 kmpl. It has got 11 litres of fuel tank capacity along with 1 litre of fuel reserve.à Hero Honda SplendorSuper can give around 63-68 kmpl of mileage. The maximum fuel tank capacity is 12 litres. Whereasà Hero Honda Splendorà NXG has 9.5 litres of fuel tank capacity and 1.8 litres of reserve and you can expect around 70-75 kmpl of fuel economy in city. The all newà Hero Honda Splendorà Pro offers a mileage of 60-70 kmpl in the city roads. The fuel tank present in the newà Hero Honda Splendorà Pro is of 11 ltrs with I ltr of fuel reserve. Hero Honda Splendor Colors Theà Hero Honda Splendorà Plus comes in 8 hues like Excellent Blue, Hi Granite Blue, Black With Purple Stripe 1, Black with Purple Stripe 2, Black with Purple Stripe 3, Black with Silver stripe, Cloud Silver and Candy Red. The body colour is painted at fuel tank, front cowl, side panels, rear panels and front fender. Target Segment: Target are the lower middle class people who want bike that give good mileage and look stylish. Target Group: Youth of middle class in age group of 25-35 years. Positioning: A motorcycle for making friends in life. SWOT Strength 1.Strong brand name and huge marketà 2.Excellent distribution through franchiseesà 3.Most reliable for Indian roads as it requires low maintenanceà 4.Good mileage Weakness 1.Focuses on just mileage and no power Opportunity 1. Expansion in rural and tier-2 citiesà 2. Innovations in technology Threats 1. New entrantsà 2. Competitorsà 3. Low cost bikes Yamaha Crux Brand Name Yamaha Crux Parent Company Yamaha Category Motorcycles Sector Two-wheeler Tagline/ Slogan Aapke irade sa mazboot; Yes Yamaha USP Bike which has good mileage Brand Ambassador Theà Yamaha Cruxà is a 106à cc, single-cylinderà four-strokeà motorcycle made byà India Yamaha Motor. The Crux is designed for Indian and neighboring markets. Its upgraded version is known as theà Yamaha Libero G5. Unlike Libero G5, Crux has round head lights. Although it shares the same engine with Yamaha Libero, Crux is targeted towards the lowest end of the low end segment (100à cc segment) A different version of crux known as crux r was introduced with the same specifications but rectangular headlights. But after it could not make a considerable sales, the production was halted. Yamaha Cruxs 106cc, 4-stroke engine, Strong Frame, attractive style, multi-reflector lights and long seat makes it the comfortable durable 4-stroke commuter bike on the Indian roads. Yamaha Crux is the popular bike with attractive features available in India at affordable price. The mill of theà Yamaha Cruxà delivers a top power of 7.6 PS at 7,500 rpm and produces a maximum torque of 7.85 Nm at 6,000 rpm. Yamaha CRUX gives excellent durability that everyone loves it. Crux can carry heavy loads or passengers with smooth move. Yamaha India said that Yamaha Crux will meet all requirement of biker. Lets talk about theà Yamaha Crux price in Indiaà with features and specifications. Yamaha Crux Features 130 dia drum brake. Adjustable shockers. Advanced air cooled 4 stroke engine. Attractive looks. Chrome plated fender. Multi-reflector tail light and head light for better visibility. Target Segment: Middle-class people who want a bike that is stylish and gives a good mileage. Target Group: Youth of middle class in age group of 25-35 years. Positioning: A strong bike which encourages a strong life. SWOT Strength 1.Huge marketà 2.Excellent distribution through franchiseesà 3.Good mileage Weakness 1.à Limited market share compared to other leading brands Opportunity 1. Expansion in rural and tier-2 citiesà 2. Innovations in technologyà 3.More brand visibility. Threats 1. New entrantsà 2. Competitorsà 3. Low cost bikes TVS CENTRA Brand Name TVS CENTRA Parent Company TVS Category Motorcycles Sector Two-wheeler Tagline/ Slogan Inspiration in motion USP Good mileage Brand Ambassador TVS Centra, introduced by TVS Motor Company, is miles ahead than others with its VT-i engines, which digitally control ignition timing, and temperature sensors for optimum fuel efficiency. Its unique friction reduction technology and fuel wastage reduction system is capable of consistently delivering superior mileage. Stunning muscular lines on the fuel tank along with stylish and contemporary body graphics render it a wind-chiseled look. Completing the look is the trapezoidal MFR headlight for excellent visibility. Designed according to bio-mechanics principles, TVS Centra is one of its kind in the category. And last but not the least, the 5-step adjustable rear shock absorbers help to make your ride smooth on any kind of road Like all TVS Motor Company products, TVS Centra too has been engineered and designed keeping in mind extensive customer feedback and changing customer needs. TVS Centra will be the first motorcycle in India that will bundle price, mileage, maintenance, style, reliability, power, ruggedness and ride comfort making it truly a value for money personal transportation two-wheeler. Those who want all these performance attributes in a commuter motorcycle at a great price, nothing will beat the TVS Centra for all the advantages it offers. TVS Centra is built around to give a mileage that will offer atleast 10 per cent more than any other motorcycle in the country, today. It will be powered by 7.5 Brake Horse Power (Bhp) at 7250 RPM making it the most powerful motorcycle in its class. TVS Centra will also be known for its nimble handling and riding comfort enabling easy maneuvering even in busy city traffic. Its contemporary style with big muscular tank and well-rounded looks with a horizontal engine and superior ergonomics will mark a new standard in the popular segment of two wheelers. It will come with Econometer to keep a check on the mileage / power ratio, wide and skid free seat and Utility space. TVS Centra Features Advanced air cooled 4 stroke engine. 110 dia drum brake. Adjustable shockers. Attractive looks. Digitally controlled starting. Target Segment: Middle-class executives. Target Group: Youth in age group of 22-35 years. Positioning: SWOT Strength 1.Huge marketà 2.Excellent distribution through franchiseesà 3.Good mileage Weakness 1.à Limited market share compared to other leading brands Opportunity 1. Expansion in rural and tier-2 citiesà 2. Innovations in technologyà 3.More brand visibility. Threats 1. New entrantsà 2. Competitorsà 3. Low cost bikes
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Environment and Race Essay -- Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays
For many years now, environmental protection and regulation has been a moving force within societies, especially the United States, and has captured much support from many different people. The environmental movement has taken a stance against environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, destruction of precious habitats, and the harming of endangered and non-endangered species. Emphasis on environmental quality has undoubtedly turned society a little greenerà ¤ and has made oneà ¢s quality of life a little better. However, not all areas of society have reaped the benefits of the environmental movement, a fact that may have to do with those populations being a little brownerà ¤. Despite efforts made to raise environmental standards, many in society, particularly minorities and low-income residents who live in urban areas, find themselves inhabiting areas where environmental quality is either neglected or abused, and problems are prevalent. This is a problem of environmental injustice. The right to equal environmental quality should be extended to all members of society. Environmental justice is important because it ensures that all citizens, no matter their ethnicity, income level, or other defining characteristics, receive fair and equal environmental quality. More importantly, it potentially combats the issue of environmental conflict that could arise between opposing sides (those affected, as well as surrounding industries and the government). For example, the construction of additional hazardous waste facilities in a poor minority community would be a potential conflict. Environmental justice is a fairly new concept within the environmental arena (its or igins can be traced back to the early twentieth century. It is c... ...e is green. References Baar, E., Greenbaum, A., & Wellington, A. (1995). Social Conflict and Environmental Law: Ethics, Economics and Equity: Volume I. Toronto: Captus Press. Glickman, T. & Hersh, R. (1995). Evaluating Environmental Equity: The Impacts of Industrial Hazards on Selected Social Groups in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future. Have, S. (1976). Environment and Equity: A Survey of Metropolitan Issues. Washington, D. C.: The Potomac Institute, Inc. Hersh, R. (1995). Race and Industrial Hazards: An Historical Geography of the Pittsburgh Region, 1900-1990. Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future. Hurley, A. (1995). Environmental Inequalities. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press. Mandelker, D. (1981). Environment and Equity: A Regulatory Challenge. St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
And the mountains echoed by khaled hossieni Essay
This line of the text conveys the central idea of the novel in which the idea of sacrifice has been beautifully portrayed. The author tries to draw our attention towards the agony and misery of the father and brother of Pari who send her away for her better future and also the better future of their family. The story that is told by Abdullahââ¬â¢s father holds a very big significance and is symbolic of the love and affection coupled with deep sense of separation and helplessness. Abdullahââ¬â¢s father makes him aware of the striking reality of their lives through the story and the central idea of the whole story finds its place here. Abdullah who shares a tight bond of love and affection with his sister sacrifices her belongingness for her better future and life of prosperity. Just like Baba Ayub in the story gets separated from his beloved son, Abdullah was also to part with his sister. The journey of Abdullah from Shadbagh to Kabul holds upon him a test; a test to make him strong enough to leave Pari at his Uncleââ¬â¢s place. The Div of the story signifies the difficulties that one has to face in oneââ¬â¢s life and once these difficulties are surpassed, there exists satisfaction and peace in oneââ¬â¢s mind believing that his loved ones are happy and enjoying their lives to the fullest. Parwana in the story once says ââ¬Å"It had to be her. I am sorry, Abdullah. She had to be the one. â⬠And soon after this the author doesnââ¬â¢t fails to mention ââ¬Å"The finger cut, to save the hand. â⬠Abdullah tries very hard to bring a smile on Pariââ¬â¢s face and feels pleased in even exchanging his shoes for the peacock feather for her sisterââ¬â¢s collection. The story in the beginning of the chapter is symbolic of pain and suffering that one experiences, when he has to part with his beloved ones and also signifies that the need of basic amenities is fundamental to the existence of humans. If the much adored ones are to be separated from one self so as to ensure these fundamentals to them then the pain and suffering is nothing at their cost. Journeys depicted in the novel:- The novel involves a lot of journeys that are symbolic of time which passes on covering the darker and the lighter shades of oneââ¬â¢s life. This is evident from a line of the story that Baba Ayub tells to both his children ââ¬Å"He walked until the sun was a faint red glow in the distance. Nights he slept in caves as the winds whistled outside. Or else he slept beside rivers and beneath trees and among the cover of boulders. He ate his bread, and then he ate what he could findà ¬- wild berries, mushrooms, fish that he caught with his bare hands from streams- and some days he didnââ¬â¢t eat at all. But still he walkedâ⬠. This he says in context with the fact that one has to face a lot of hardships and difficulties to find his loved ones back and in the end everything is fine to Baba Ayub as he accomplishes his goals and finds his son safe and sound with the Div. Abdullah travels from Shadbagh to Kabul to drop his sister at his uncleââ¬â¢s place and this gives hint to the readers that someday, the time will bridge all the gaps between him and his sister and also the pain and misery will go away. Pari goes away with her ââ¬ËMammanââ¬â¢ and travels a long distance to reach France but the memories of her father fade away gradually with time. Pari loves her brother very much and shares an inseparable bond with him but with the passage of time, she leaves him behind and feels it difficult to remember the lullaby that was sung by him. These journeys also signify the changes that take place in oneââ¬â¢s life that makes the individual develop new relationships with people surrounding him and leaves the older ones. NILA: THE SYMBOL OF DYNAMISM Nila or Pariââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËMammanââ¬â¢ is a symbol of dynamism. The author very clearly depicts a contrast between her and the other women of Afghanistan. On one hand he shows Parvana, who wore clothes that cover her body completely and then on the other hand he describes Nila who exposes her legs and hands. For the society Nila is not an ideal woman as her ways are carefree and she is confident and self centered. But the author never fails to point out that she was admired and loved by the Afghani people at the Wahadatiââ¬â¢s house because of her poems that were about love, lust and passion. In Nabiââ¬â¢s words ââ¬Å"Nilaââ¬â¢s poems defied tradition. They followed no preset meter or rhythmic pattern. â⬠Nabi used to be pleased to spend time with her and this, the author mentions in the line ââ¬Å"I was happy enough to be the vessel into which she poured her stories. â⬠Nila was such a charming lady that no one could remove their eyes from her and she was always talked about in public. This shows the development and change in the mindset of the people in Afghanistan. Desires Couples with Suffering: The story of Roshi depicts a clear example of desired coupled with suffering. At one point the character of Chacha Idris is brought about as a savior but the author never drifts away from the realities of life and explicitly explains how desires of Roshi later turn into suffering. The bond of love between them though is never shaken. The promise that he makes to her is out of the bond of love but when he moves to his own life, he couldnââ¬â¢t keep his promise as the situations of his personal life coil up around him. THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED:- They are symbolic of the give and take relationships prevalent in the present world. The echoing in the mountains signifies that whatever may any individual does or receives is an outcome of his deeds that he has already done in the past. The echoing mountains also signify the nature of love and hatred that is; the more you give the exponential you receive. The echo from the mountains also signifies the memories of man that are lost in the conditions of life and as the time passes they become fainter and fainter. THE MUD HOUSES:- These are symbolic of the hard work and toil of people in Afghanistan, who in order to earn their daily ââ¬ËNaanââ¬â¢ have to do a lot of work. In winters the mud houses are the only shelter to poor and in the summers they are the only medium of defense from the scorching sunrays. People at Shadbagh were very laborious and so was Abdullahââ¬â¢s father who once said to Mullah Shekib ââ¬Å"If I had been born an animal, Mullah Sahib, I swear I would have come out a muleâ⬠. Abdullahââ¬â¢s father had taught him how to make bricks and they had made bricks for a mosque in other town. The author has very well brought the idea of presence of a web of right and wrong in which every individual is coiled. He has very aptly explained the fact that mere existence of humans is based on the society and this society is the one which recognizes the powerful people as their leaders and the poor as the ones who strive for their livelihood. The helpless have to do away with their loved ones and ensure their safety and this is the fault of the society that it overlooks such sufferings of the people. Why a father had to leave her daughter at her uncleââ¬â¢s house? This was because he knew that his daughter would be safe with those rich people who were respected by the society and had a position. But the author is concerned about the emotions of the children who are parted at a very young age, also he is concerned about the inner voice of the father who wants to find his child, also the affection of Roshi with Chacha Idris and Pari with her father and mother; and so the author gives a small Rumi poem at the starting of the novel: ââ¬Å"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. Iââ¬â¢ll meet you there. â⬠With this poem the author conveys the emotions of every individual of the society who sometime or the other wants to leave all the complexities of his life and reach the level where no situations of helplessness and sorrow would bind him and he would not have to make any sacrifices to live his life. The author through the stories of Parwana and Masooma brings about the idea of complexity and jealousy that come in the lives of two twin sisters who were treated differently by the society due to their behavior that the society has divided into good or bad. Parwana also wanted to share the pure feeling of love with her sister but could not do so because the society had created a rift between the two. Gholam and Adel who belonged to strikingly different backgrounds used to meet secretly because the friendship between the rich and poor or high status people with low status people was not recognized as good by the society and this poem by Rumi fits in here as well.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Reflectivity
Boyd defines reflection as ââ¬Å" the process of internally examining and exploring issue of concern, triggered by an experience which creates and clarifies meaning and which results in a changed conceptual perspectiveâ⬠(Boyd & Fales, 1999,p.5). The aim of reflectivity in practice is to ultimately improve patient care. The model of structured reflection that will be used in this essay pinpoints key questions in the areas of aesthetics, personal, ethics, empirics, and reflexivity (Johns, 1995,p.226-234). Allowing a discussion on an experience chosen from my reflective journal that was completed over the time of practicum. The situation that impacted on me the most was the bed bathing of my client unsupervised for the first time. The client is sixty-three years old, she suffered from a severe diabetic coma, which left her totally immobile, and unable to communicate her needs. Having only ever observed bed bathing this situation made me feel very anxious. The reason for my anxiety was the inability of my client to communicate and the fact that I had had no practical experience with bed bathing. I felt inwardly insecure and feared the unknown; these were the key factors affecting my performance. I understood that I needed to deal with my thoughts in order to gain control of the situation. I did this by reassuring my client verbally as well as with firm physical handling(Beare&myers,1990), and in doing so I was able to reassure myself. The factors that influenced my behaviour were my previous experience with bed bathing which had only occurred in the clinical labs at school. I found that when nursing your classmates there are no limitations of body capability or communication such as the situation I experienced with my client. Through the lack of experience in this area the procedure that is seen to be simple turned out to be a bit of an ordeal for myself and in my understanding for the client as well, due to her inability to com... Free Essays on Reflectivity Free Essays on Reflectivity Boyd defines reflection as ââ¬Å" the process of internally examining and exploring issue of concern, triggered by an experience which creates and clarifies meaning and which results in a changed conceptual perspectiveâ⬠(Boyd & Fales, 1999,p.5). The aim of reflectivity in practice is to ultimately improve patient care. The model of structured reflection that will be used in this essay pinpoints key questions in the areas of aesthetics, personal, ethics, empirics, and reflexivity (Johns, 1995,p.226-234). Allowing a discussion on an experience chosen from my reflective journal that was completed over the time of practicum. The situation that impacted on me the most was the bed bathing of my client unsupervised for the first time. The client is sixty-three years old, she suffered from a severe diabetic coma, which left her totally immobile, and unable to communicate her needs. Having only ever observed bed bathing this situation made me feel very anxious. The reason for my anxiety was the inability of my client to communicate and the fact that I had had no practical experience with bed bathing. I felt inwardly insecure and feared the unknown; these were the key factors affecting my performance. I understood that I needed to deal with my thoughts in order to gain control of the situation. I did this by reassuring my client verbally as well as with firm physical handling(Beare&myers,1990), and in doing so I was able to reassure myself. The factors that influenced my behaviour were my previous experience with bed bathing which had only occurred in the clinical labs at school. I found that when nursing your classmates there are no limitations of body capability or communication such as the situation I experienced with my client. Through the lack of experience in this area the procedure that is seen to be simple turned out to be a bit of an ordeal for myself and in my understanding for the client as well, due to her inability to com...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Global Warming Problems essays
Global Warming Problems essays Global warming is a very dangerous problem in our world today. Responsible, and potentially responsible, for new diseases, health problems, and land loss, this problem deserves more attention than it is currently receiving. Presently, scientists believe that human activities are responsible for most of the warming over the last 50 years, and the steep acceleration of warming throughout the past 20 years. Our actions have permanently altered the chemical arrangement of our atmosphere for the worst. By increasing greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, we have helped to trap heat in the atmosphere, and raise the average temperature of the earth by 1?F in the last century. Higher temperatures on earth present many dangers to humans. Heat waves are the most obvious effect of Global Warming. Rising heat temperatures create hot spots or heat islands (Journey To Planet Earth), mostly in large urban areas. Heat waves are very dangerous, and potentially lethal to humans, especially those without air conditioning, Another danger that could result from global warming is the rapid spread and growth of diseases. Most bacteria that create deadly diseases thrive in warm weather. Malaria, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, and West Nile Virus, are among some diseases that would flourish in hotter weather. (Journey to Planet Earth). With earth being warmer, these infections could travel quicker, and more efficiently, being transmitted to more and more people. Climate change also promotes the growth of molds. This is because most fungi and molds commonly live in places with heat and humidity. Molds cause many problems for humans, such as respiratory problems, rashes, and other illnesses. Many natural disasters would also result from climate change. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Typhoons, and Droughts are just some natural disasters that would be more common in a world with Global Warming. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
What is wrong with the idea that human visual perception is achieved Essay
What is wrong with the idea that human visual perception is achieved by a single area of the brain that simply reflects the cisual information coming from the e - Essay Example the optic nerves which consist of about a million nerve fibers and contain axons arising from the inner, ganglion-cell layer of the retina (Guyton & Hall, 1996; Waxman, 2000). The arrangement at the optic chiasm allows the left hemisphere to receive visual information about the contralateral half of the visual world and vice-versa (Guyton & Hall, 1996; Waxman, 2000). Moreover, the fibers of each optic tract synapse in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and from here, the geniculocalcarine fibers pass by way of the optic radiation to the primary visual cortex in the calcarine area of the occipital lobe (Guyton & Hall, 1996). The most important cortical region for visual processing is Area V1 in the occipital lobe because it is the first stop in the cortex and almost all of the signals that the other cortical regions get must pass through it which is why Area V1 is often referred to as the primary visual cortex or striate cortex (Coren, Ward, & Enns, 1999). Hubel and Wiesel found cells in the cortex with receptive fields that have excitatory and inhibitory areas and are arranged side-by-side rather than in a center-surround configuration (Goldstein, 2007). Simple cortical cells are cells which have these side-by-side receptive fields mentioned previously and these cells respond best to bars of a particular orientation (Goldstein, 2007). Other kinds of cells in Area V1 are even tuned to more complicated pattern properties of the stimulus such as complex cortical cells which respond best to movement of a correctly oriented bar across the receptive field, and at an even more complicated level of analysis than the complex cells are hypercomplex or end-stopped cortical cells that respond not only to the orientation and direction of movement of the stimulus but also to the length, width, or other features of shapes, such as the presence of corners (Coren, Ward, & Enns, 1999; Goldstein, 2007). Simple, complex, and hypercomplex cells are refer red to as feature
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications Essay
The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications - Essay Example This can be attributed to the fact that in the market, there are several products and services, which offer the same benefits to the consumer. In order for an organization to be successful, the name it offers must have a distinct meaning that pushes the consumer into buying it. Even the most successful brands in the market ought to receive rebranding because customer trends are always changing. In addition, a brandââ¬â¢s credibility is very important because it ensures that clients are happy when they are associated with a certain product or service. Contents The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications 1 Contents 3 1.The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications 4 2.Background 4 3.Discussion 7 4.Summary 9 5.Conclusion 9 6.References 11 1. The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications A brand resembles a design, term, name, symbol, or any other feature that differentiates a certain product from the others in the market. Although brandi ng resulted from cattle, a lot has changed and it can be seen in products like Coca Cola from the Coca-Cola Company. It is worth noting that products are not sold but they are bought, which means that they ought to have distinct features that a customer would not fail to realize. Importance of branding is to ensure that clients are aware of the products that they are looking for in the market. Customers control communications and the processes of information gathering meaning that they cannot be avoided when branding. Since customers have a huge role to play in the marketing of products as opposed to the past, it means that they determine what brings value in the goods and services that they buy. Internet connections and the advances that have been made in the information technology sector, ensure that customers share information between themselves without the knowledge of the manufacturer. In addition, customers might act like an organizationââ¬â¢s advocates if the services and goods they receive from that organization are up to standard. This implies that marketing is made easier when an organization focuses on serving customersââ¬â¢ interests. Marketing trends have been shifting over the years but customers need to be satisfied by their trusted companies. This implies that branding has a big role to play when it comes to satisfying customers (Tiwari, 2012). 2. Background Studies have shown that branding and marketing are very important aspects in any business that wishes to have a competitive edge in the market. This can be attributed to the fact that the world of business has become very competitive thanks to globalization and as a result, organizations have to make their brands known in the market at any given cost. When customers go to the market, they choose to buy or not to buy a certain product, which means that branding comes in handy. Customers are the key to the success of any given organization. A logo, a truckload of PowerPoint printouts, a nd a theme line are the most important aspects when it comes to marketing (Rossiter & Bellman, 2012). Getting the message across is very important when it comes to branding. This is because customers choose brands, which they are confident in. It means that a customer would be tempted to buy a product or service from a company that she or he is associated with. This cannot be achieved if customers do not want to be associated with a certain brand. Customers ought to understand the importance of a certain brand based on its
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